Wow, thanks, Nan!

That helped a lot today.

Today was was a pretty bad day, pain wise. On Mayo Clinic Scale it was about 7.5.

I felt like I was trapped by the pain and couldn't get away from it. I finally went for a walk. It didn't get rid of the pain, but I was doing something besides pacing the house.

I am feeling better now, but it was a rough two hours or so.

Once the pain subsided a bit, I called the doctor and got the nurse. She said that she would put a message in that the doctor would see first thing in the morning, (along with all the other messages... wink I know how it works, and I am ok with that.

I really appreciate all the things you guys are praying and saying. It lifts my spirit to know that I have your support as well as all the people that I actually have living near me as well.

Online friends are not to be dismissed. They are important too. thumbsup


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!