I again have Optic Neuritis. Since last Monday, my field of vision in my right eye has dropped from 98% to <25%. The color saturation has dropped from 94% to 15%. I expect that by Thursday that I will stop seeing out of that eye entirely.

I have an appointment with a Neurologist, the same one that I had the last time. It is tomorrow at 9:30am. It is in Big Barnes, so we well have to leave at around 8am.

Until the infected prostate is taken care of, they cannot give me the treatment for the Optic Neuritis because the two would interfere with each other, to my determent.

As long as my left eye remains clear, I should be ok, except for driving.

I am sure that things will get better, it will just take a long time.

Please be in prayer for Elisabeth and the girls, as well as myself.

James, who is glad you your support.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!