Posting this here in case James is on but Elisabeth isn't... E - I sent you an email back that I could use a response on before I finish that smile .

That said... wink

You guys are still in my prayers.

God is so good isn't He? When we were going through everything last year with DS followed by DH, it never ceased to amaze me the little things that He helped take care of on my behalf. Like when I was at the end of my rope and ready to pull over to the side of the road and just cry because all four kids were crying or fighting or whatever, and suddenly silence would come over the van [except for the pouring rain]. And then I'd get to church wondering how I was going to get four kids and me in without all of us getting drenched and the rain would stop as we pulled into the parking lot and start again before I had them all in Sunday School. And through it all, he was taking care of both my men besides knowing when I just couldn't take any more.

I completely relate to the date thing and I'm glad that even if it wasn't a real 'date', you got to spend some good time together.
