Captivated2, I have already asked you privately to tone down your rhetoric. This was explicitly started as a non-partisan thread, and yet you write:

the left-wing media (branch of the democratic party)

I dreaded and feared a Hillary presidency... and if you had told me a year ago that someone would be elected president that I feared MORE than Hillary, I would not have believed it. She must have been very frustrated... to watch this guy come along, who dared to run for president while having LITTLE to NO experience (arrogant), and then to watch him attain rock star status... I almost felt sorry for her.
Thank you for your addition of Kay Bailey Hutchinson to the list, but again I am asking you to remember that this is a message-board for Lois and Clark fanfic, not a right-wing blog site where anything goes in terms of rhetoric (and I have said the same, from the other end of the political spectrum, to commenters from left of centre who have also overstepped the line, so don't imagine that you're getting picked on because of your political stance).

Boards Administration Team

Just a fly-by! *waves*