There are a couple of other Democratic governors and an ex-governor who might be considered.

Janet Napolitano won election in Arizona in 2003 and successfully won re-election by a large margin in McCain's home state.

Jennifer Granholm of Michigan is also a candidate who was talked about a little while ago. Her main problem is that Michigan's economy has been a mess during her entire tenure, so that could cause problems with winning the nomination. She's been governor since 2003.

Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire was a very popular governor (1997-2003) who just toppled John Sununu in the senate race two days ago. Being from New Hampshire could give her a huge leg up in the nominating process as the winners of the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary instantly become the front-runners.

I should say that Jodi Rell has been governor since 2003 while Linda Lingle has been governor since 2002. Kathleen Sebelius has been governor since 2003.

2003 was a big year for women governors.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin