Careful, C_A. You're implicitly equating the role of women with the Jim Crow laws of the Old South and the Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954. That's close to an unfair cheap shot.

I would point out that while the Bible does not assign women to the position of pastor or elder in the church, the Bible records women leaders of state (the Queen of Sheba who visited Solomon, Deborah the prophetess, Priscilla - who was always mentioned prior to her husband Aquilla in the Book of Acts - and others), at least one named female deacon in the New Testament, and female leaders in the Christian movements in their respective communities. Remember also that the first people to see and report the empty tomb were women, and this was in a culture which required that two women testify to the same thing in court to equal the testimony of one man. (This was in Jewish culture of Jesus' day, and is not a Biblical tenet in either Testament.)

Christianity does not treat women as second-class citizens or lesser beings. That's the province of people who either ignore the Bible altogether or who claim to follow the teachings but don't.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing