Loved Clark and Silas's conversation whilst watching a disappearing Lois. Kind of like the best father and son dialogue you could imagine combined with the best buddy dialogue you could imagine. smile

Can't wait to see the faces on the bakery staff when Lois and Clark walk in. Oh, and Kathy, I'm sure we were told that the headquarters was shielded by lead - something they did way back when as a means of hiding it from any family members with powers.

Elise is a hero, but I still love Madge. Silas is cute, and, well, I like Hank, too. I don't think there's anyone I don't like, come to think of it!

But my most favourite bit was when Lois held out her hand for Clark. smile The poor guy has only just become Superman, yet Silas keeps expecting him to behave like he's been doing the job for years. Loved that Clark didn't want to spoil Silas's cherished images, and loved even more that Lois recognised all of this and automatically gave Clark the support he needed. My heart melted. smile
