Yay, you're back and posting! Great!

Like others have said, I loved this line:

“Hang on there, Junior.” Lois, stepped towards him and patted him on the arm. “First rule, no panicking until you’re actually tied to the chair and the fuse is lit.”
Very Lois, LOL. I also enjoyed Clark's response to it, and it didn't raise any eyebrows for me even though they've only known each other a couple weeks. Clark surely has heard all about Lois's reputation for getting herself into trouble; this defined her character even before Superman showed up. And yes, they've both been going through the Museum, or at least parts of it, so I didn't have a problem with Clark teasing her about this character trait. After all, that's what you do when you tease -- you pick up on something, even if it's minor, and act like it's a big deal. So either way, I thought it was cute. smile

I *loved* the fact that the timeline is shifting slowly, in bits and pieces. As for whether the current residents of Utopia should recognize the changes, though, I chalk that up to there being no real answer to time-travel paradoxes and in a light, funny story like this, it doesn't raise any flags for me. And hey, we already know that Silas, Hank and Madge are all special. <g>

I was really hoping that Hank and Madge would show up at the bakery just as L&C&S were grilling the elders about Tempus, LOL, but I also love that Hank is nearly giddy with the newfound freedom of going against the "rules" and is thinking they might just be able to do what needs to be done without asking first. (What is it they say? It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission? LOL.) And speeding -- whee! So much fun, LOL!

(And I'm still trying to figure out how the Peacekeepers have cloaked their offices in the bakery from Super-vision. It makes sense if they are trying to conceal their existence from the family, since there is still the occasional Lane-Kent with powers, but I have no idea how they may have accomplished it!)

Can't wait till Saturday, CC!

Kathy (who also laughed at the bear claw line ... great stuff all the way around smile )