Yay! It's back! laugh ) Hank notices that he can speed, and he worriedly points this fact out as a Bad Omen. Utopia is starting to come unravelled. With the new timeline, the anti-speeding technology was never put into effect. Very cool. Very subtle. I love the idea. But... If the timeline changed so that the speeding thing was never put into effect, how come Hank is able to remember that it existed? Shouldn't his memory of what happened change along with the reality of it not having happened? Cursed time paradoxes...

Or does Hank get special dispensation because he's a time traveller and thus somewhat disassociated from the timestream? If that's the case, though, it still doesn't quite explain Silas's confusion about the lock on the bakery (unless it actually is normally locked for some reason).

Anyway, that's just two tiny little things amongst a sea of goodness. (I told you I'm loving this story, right?)

Sorry I'm not going into more detail about the good things, but it's kind of hard to pick out the especially good bits from amongst the whole series of really good bits. So, for now, I'm just going to have to leave it at this:

Thanks again for brightening my day. We're only halfway through the year, but I think I can safely say that you can expect a "Best Overall" nom from me when the time comes.


P.S. Please don't tell McDonald's how close I came to abusing their trademarked slogan. I didn't mean it. Really...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.