I don't agree with Jenn that the Dark Knight is comparable to Lois and Clark.
I'm not such a fan of words being put in my mouth -- and I didn't say L&C is comparable to TDK. I said that people like to watch characters -- in general -- that are flawed, like Bruce Wayne/Batman, Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, etc. It was not a comparison of the characters, because I don't think Lois and Bruce have anything in common, except ... uh, wrong fandom. Never mind. wink

I guess I was implying that if people want their heroes to be ever darker, then perhaps they shouldn't be altogether surprised if the men who play these characters turn out to have dark personalities themselves.
I personally have a problem with this statement, because along the same lines, it's saying that we shouldn't be surprised if Charlize Theron kills men because she played someone who does in "Monster," or if Sharon Stone bludgeons men with ice picks because her character did in "Basic Instinct." And I'm pretty sure Glenn Close doesn't boil pet rabbits.

And to say otherwise would be a double-standard.

However, here's an exception: Dean plays a droolworthy man on L&C, and he's pretty droolworthy in real life, too. laugh

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"