I don't see how changing the topic title is going to make a difference. It's an insinuation that Batman hits women.
Like I said, I don't think that Batman is someone who hits women. Despite JoJo's delightfully funny image, I can't remember any instance whatsoever where Batman used undue violence against a woman.

I also realize, of course, that whatever Christian Bale may have done he is not Batman - and it is certainly very possible that Bale is just the latest victim of the celebrity syndrome, where a lot of false rumours get started just because it is funny to gossip about famous people.

I don't agree with Jenn that the Dark Knight is comparable to Lois and Clark. Compared with the new dark Batman, Dean Cain's Clark was such a sunny and optimistic character. The two of them are not the same at all. Nevertheless, I agree with the rest of you that the sweet, funny and innocent Batman and Robin are not comparable to Dean's admittedly flawed Clark/Superman,and the Batman and Robin of yore are probably impossible to resurrect. They were the children of a different time and a different outlook on the world.

Well, it made me sad, nevertheless, to read a review in the New York Times which said that Superman is getting outdated, because he is just too nice. Nowadays, the reviewer said, people want their heroes to be troubled and dark, which is why Batman is such a roaring success.

So I didn't really mean to say that Batman is beating up women, because I really, really don't think he is. I guess I was implying that if people want their heroes to be ever darker, then perhaps they shouldn't be altogether surprised if the men who play these characters turn out to have dark personalities themselves.

Of course I realize that the darkness of a role that an actor plays does not say anything about the actor's own personality. And of course I knew right from the beginning that Christian Bale may well be innocent.

I was being grumpy because of the increasing popularity of ever-darker heroes, and I was being snarky. Sue me.
