1. What was the last thing you drank today? Water

2. If you could, what would be the first thing you drink when happy hour starts? Lemon ice tea

3. Favorite part of your outfit today? My orange top

4. Something fun you're doing this weekend? going out to lunch with my godmother

5. Something NOT fun you're doing this weekend? Meeting my friends

6. Your main grocery store? Lidl

7. Something you always have in your fridge? yoghurts

Now, some board-relevant questions:
8. Fic you're currently reading/last fic you read? First comes marriage by ML Thompson

9. L&C ep you never get tired of watching? Fly Hard (but this is a tough question because there are many others)

10. L&C music vid you can't stop watching? Again... tough question - I have a rather long playlist constantly playing. But if I had to pick one, probably Thanks for all the fish or Sharp Dressed Superhero (I know it's two, but it was very hard to choose).

Granny Weatherwax: 'You've got to think headology, see? Not muck about with all this beauty and wealth business. That's not important.'

Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett