1. What was the last thing you drank today? Iced chai tea with nonfat milk.
2. If you could, what would be the first thing you drink when happy hour starts? A pomegranate martini.
3. Favorite part of your outfit today? Black shirt from Nordstrom that is the same as Teri wore on DH a few eps ago. (I found it by total accident, and better yet, it was on sale!) Oh, and pink sparkly eyeshadow. It's a party!
4. Something fun you're doing this weekend? Sneaking out of work to go see "Sex and the City" at noon (before I come back to start my regular job at 3).
5. Something NOT fun you're doing this weekend? Cleaning my bathroom.
6. Your main grocery store? Trader Joe's and Costco.
7. Something you always have in your fridge? Orange juice and low-fat chocolate milk.

Now, some board-relevant questions:
8. Fic you're currently reading/last fic you read? "Freedom" by ML Thompson. If not for the fact that I only got five hours of sleep to begin with, I SO would have stayed up to finish it. Now I have something to look forward to when I get back from the movie!
9. L&C ep you never get tired of watching? "Sex, Lies and Videotape."
10. L&C music vid you can't stop watching? Right now? Cat's "Hot in Herre" and Lara's "All Over You." Evil geniuses, that bat and that cat.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"