1. What was the last thing you drank today? Tea.

2. If you could, what would be the first thing you drink when happy hour starts? I so want a Foster's!

3. Favorite part of your outfit today? Ehm, my underwear? I just grabbed the first few items this morning that would actually fit me and that would go well with the weather.

4. Something fun you're doing this weekend? Sleeping! And watching the DW ep. laugh

5. Something NOT fun you're doing this weekend? Cleaning. *big sigh* There's a reason why I don't need to sit on my bum for several weekends in a row.

6. Your main grocery store? The Plus, but that's a store in this country only.

7. Something you always have in your fridge? Chocolate! A girl just can't do without chocolate... although it doesn't fit into my plans for my current diet.

8. Fic you're currently reading/last fic you read? Ehm, well... Most I've been reading fic-wise lately is DW fic. blush I don't know which L&C ficlet I read last. Probably one by Cat. Oh, and I'm still betaing for her, so that story I am reading. We need more Imbroglio, btw, Cat. wink

9. L&C ep you never get tired of watching? I haven't seen an episode in ages! I'm currently deeply involved in my Friends DVDs...

10. L&C music vid you can't stop watching? My Immortal by Kaethel. And Save a Horse by Anna.

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!