1. What was the last thing you drank today?

Coffee - drinking it now.

2. If you could, what would be the first thing you drink when happy hour starts?

Diet coke

3. Favorite part of your outfit today?


4. Something fun you're doing this weekend?

Appearing in a panel on the legality and legal problems of fanfic at a one-day SF convention.

5. Something NOT fun you're doing this weekend?

Getting ready for work on Monday - there are likely to be big problems with someone there and I'm really not looking forward to it.

6. Your main grocery store?

Tesco and/or Waitrose - probably do about the same amount of shopping in each of them.

7. Something you always have in your fridge?


Now, some board-relevant questions:

8. Fic you're currently reading/last fic you read?


9. L&C ep you never get tired of watching?

None of them really - I would probably watch through a series if I felt like watching them again. But Fly Hard is one of my favourites.

10. L&C music vid you can't stop watching?

None really - I tend to watch once and move on.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game