I have to give props to my twin... she always comes up with the best questions. Brilliant she is.

1. What was the last thing you drank today?
Water - Ozarka... mmmmmm
2. If you could, what would be the first thing you drink when happy hour starts?
Frozen Margarita with salt
3. Favorite part of your outfit today?
Jeans... they're well-worn and very comfortable
4. Something fun you're doing this weekend?
Going to a barbecue thingy with some of our friends on Sunday
5. Something NOT fun you're doing this weekend?
Ugh. Working at Sylvan. Bah Humbug
6. Your main grocery store?
HEB - Here Everything's Better
7. Something you always have in your fridge?
Cheese laugh

Now, some board-relevant questions:
8. Fic you're currently reading/last fic you read?
Well, Michael's Fury is a WIP and I've been reading TONS of X-files fic just waiting around for all the smut this month
9. L&C ep you never get tired of watching?
AKA Superman
10. L&C music vid you can't stop watching?
Hot in Herre by our very own Cat... rawr!

Thanks twin! that was fun!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw