OK, I'll bite...

1. What is your name? Lara

2. A 4 letter word: Love

3. A vehicle: LandRover

4. A city : Los Angeles!

5. A boy's name: Leo

6. A girl's name: Layla

7. Beverage: Lapsang souchong tea (heee! couldn't help it!)

8. An occupation: Laboratory assistant (ETA: or rat... yeah, I should have said rat!)

9. Something you wear: Leg warmers (well, we did, in the 80s, anyway)

10. A celebrity: LeVar Burton

11. A food: Leek

12. Something found in a bathroom: Lysol

13. Reason for being late: Lost the directions (*lol*)

14. Something you shout: Leave me alone!

15. An animal: Leopard

16. A body part: Liver

17. Word to describe yourself: Lovely (yes, I know, that's stretching it a bit....)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies