Ha! This should keep poor twin entertained for a bit this evening... sloppy Fun idea Carol!

1. What is your name? Stephnachia

2. A 4 letter word: Soup(erman)

3. A vehicle: Sunfire

4. A city : Seattle wink

5. A boy's name: Stephen (my bro)

6. A girl's name: Stacey (my sis)

7. Beverage: Soda

8. An occupation: Stripper (my 2nd job..der..wait no that's Sylvain..woops)

9. Something you wear: Sneakers

10. A celebrity: Susan Sarandon

11. A food: Sushi

12. Something found in a bathroom: Shaving cream

13. Reason for being late: Slept in

14. Something you shout: Stop!!

15. An animal: Shimauma (hey isn't that another word for zebra...) Okay how about Siberian Husky

16. A body part: scrotum (what, I couldn't think of anything else)

17. Word to describe yourself: Stoic (I'm very unemotional..most of the time)

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw