This looks like fun!

1. What is your name? Beth

2. A 4 letter word: Bump

3. A vehicle: BMW

4. A city : Boston

5. A boy's name: Bob

6. A girl's name: Beverly

7. Beverage: Beer

8. An occupation: Bee Keeper

9. Something you wear: Britches

10. A celebrity: Bono

11. A food: Bratwurst

12. Something found in a bathroom: Bog Roll (I think that's British?)

13. Reason for being late: Busy Baking Brownies

14. Something you shout: Booga Booga!

15. An animal: Baby Elephant (Indulging my House obsession here. Feel free to ignore)

16. A body part: Brain

17. Word to describe yourself: Brilliant! Or maybe Bubmling. Take your pick.

This took me way too long to do. Maybe I need to exercise my #16 more. wink