Oh this looks like fun. wink

1. What is your name? Jen (yes every now and then I use it.) :p

2. A 4 letter word: joke

3. A vehicle: jetta

4. A city : jacksonville

5. A boy's name: jack

6. A girl's name: jackie (couldn't resist lol)

7. Beverage: juice

8. An occupation: jeweler

9. Something you wear: jacket (strangely, i had 1 pair of jeans...have no idea where it walked off to lol, but i'm not a fan of jeans anyway)

10. A celebrity: justine bateman (zara shout-out lol)

11. A food: jerked chicken

12. Something found in a bathroom: jen, in the morning lol.

13. Reason for being late: jolt of caffeine hasn't kicked in yet.

14. Something you shout: Jesus!

15. An animal: jellyfish (confession of googling)

16. A body part: jugular

17. Word to describe yourself: jiggy (in the phat way, not the hooker way lol)


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy