Steph - it's nice to know I'm not alone with the uncreative parents. I have three siblings, and all four of us have the same initials for our first and middle names (and of course, last name too, until I get married and thwart my parents' evil plan, HA!)

Anyway, down to business here...

1. What is your name? Rona

2. A 4 letter word: Riot

3. A vehicle: Racecar

4. A city: Raleigh

5. A boy's name: Ryan

6. A girl's name: Ramona

7. Beverage: Rum

8. An occupation: Realtor

9. Something you wear: Raincoat

10. A celebrity: Reese Witherspoon

11. A food: Risotto

12. Something found in a bathroom: Razor

13. Reason for being late: Rain (Trust me, if you lived in SC, you’d understand the validity of this).

14. Something you shout: Really!?

15. An animal: Rhinoceros

16. A body part: Retina

17. Word to describe yourself: Restless

I think my brain short-circuited about halfway through this. I seriously stood in my bathroom for five minutes before I wailed, “Nothing in here starts with an R!” And then I spotted my razor. Heh.