Do they allow men to be nuns?

In some ways, a lot of problems are caused by everyone wanting to be in the "driver's seat" and no one wanting to ride shotgun. What I mean by that is that in all these situations where women are starting to do things that only men used to do, it is creating an imbalance of everyone wanting to lead, and no one being willing to follow. Now, I'm not against women asserting themselves in various places, but it seems that feminism is pushing the notion that being a housewife or a secretary or a nurse or any of the stereotypical female positions is not as good as being the doctor or the breadwinner (person whose income supports the family) or the boss. Of course, men still want to go for the positions they used to, and so there are so many households where both parents work and the kids are home alone in the afternoon, which can be an okay situation, but there are many times when it's not the best.

Now, my religion is imbalanced towards male clergy, although there are a few female pastors. Personally, I'm okay with that. I enjoy a good female speaker, but in position of the leader of the church, I prefer a male. One of the early founders of my church was female, but even though she was very influential, she never asked for the position of a pastor and even wrote about having only male pastors. In some ways, I think it is an attempt to change the way things are, which can be good, but if men are experienced at the positions they are in, and women are experienced at the positions they are in, is it not in some ways inefficient to affect too much change?

Basically, what I'm saying is that I encourage the idea of a woman "raising" her place in the world, but I'm not so sure about women as a whole all striving for "better" jobs.

Also, is not the position of housewife, although less prestigious, equally as important as that of a businesswoman or doctor?

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.