Um my dream job...hmmmm. Fluffer? No no just kidding. My test came out the same way at 49 as it did when I was 18, it says Artist/writer. Well I am an artist and I teach Art college level which I love. I like creative writing but my spelling and grammar leaves much to be desired. I am all for getting the idea down and then letting someone else clean it up. TSK TSK bad Laura. I am also a great starter of things that I never finish. My dream is to actually publish a book one day. I'd like it to be humorous and helpful, how is that for vague! I am published for articles in local newsletters but nothing that really counts. Some day, my dream is to make money for my art work, write a book and work in film (The editing, graphics part) I have edited some stuff for department promotional CD's and I did work for the Graphics Dept at our local News station, but nothing has gelled into good money. I wish one would pan out to a full time salary. But I do love being a Prof better then hairdressing. I did that for years. It was more money then teaching but hard on the back and feet. I do keep in touch with some of my old clients though. Teaching adults is more rewarding then making them pretty. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"