Dream jobs:

Like Marcus - the writing would be nice, I already have a book published but it never sold well because the other thing you have to consider is whether or not your publisher cares enough to market your book well enough to sell it. And it is very very very hard to make money off writing these days - you might hit the bestseller lists for a couple of weeks if you are lucky but you need to shift a lot of books throughout the year to make any kind of money - after all you only get 10% of the profits. And the only thing that sells now is crime fiction, self improvement/new age and pulp fiction and harlequin romance novels. sad state of affairs but true.

The novel I am writing now doesn't fit into any of the above and I don't see myself as being able to write in any of the above genres. Of course I'll continue to write anyway and continue to attempt to get my stuff published but I am not going to expect them to do well no matter how much effort I put into them.

Else I would like to try working in a publishing firm as an editor. I really like editing. I think it is great to sit down with someone and help bounce ideas off them, cheer them up, encourage them and ruthlessly point out the flaws in their grammar for them. I want to try to set up my own firm one day so I can do my bit towards making sure that writers can make money writing in other genres as well. I want people to be able to live off what they write because I think that way we would get more scope and choice in what people read which can be a good thing. I don't know if that would mean pushing royalties up or at the very least not letting the markets dictate your choices at the initialoutset - I don't know. I am just sick of the literary fiction market coming out with the same repeated stuff just because it sells and then slowly cutting the amount of books published in that genre to make way for the others . Other genres are great and there is no denying that there is competition between the genres for a slice of the market but I worry about the authors getting turned away because their manuscripts are not ones the editors can get certain returns on.

And I also don't like how much books cost at the moment because I am such a bibliophile.

The Little Tornado.

The Little Tornado is ....

Marisa Wikramanayake
Freelance Writer & Editor,
Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA