Well, my dream job keeps changing, really...

When I was 8, I wanted to be an astronaut. Sadly, I would never have been able to be one.

When I was 15 and worked as MC for events at school and for the improv league, I decided I wanted to work in radio broadcasting.

Did the radio thing, realized I didn't like doing it in the real world. So, when I was 28, it hit me that what I'd been dreaming of all along (even when I was in school, taking all these journalism and speech training classes) was a something to do with computer sciences.

Did the computer thing and graduated just in time to be hired to fix "Y2K bugs" for a software company. Made you want to believe in time travel...

Been working in the software world since I was 29 - that's almost a decade ago. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I've gotten quite tired of it.

My dream job now? I'm not sure what it is anymore. I'd totally love to sit here and write all day, but I'm not sure I'd ever end up getting anything published, so I'd starve to death. I would love to work for a publishing house, but with my education, there's fat chance of that happening. And I would really love to edit video clips and movies and things of the like - but you also need a certain skill set/education that I just don't have.

So, um... let's say for now, I'll keep on doing what I do and hope I can retire soon. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies