Be careful about the advice you might get from 'school guidance counselors'. Did my counselor try find out what I was interested in, or passionate about? No, just looked at my grades and my classes and moved me along. After all, he had a lot of other students he had to screw up.
Oh, boy, does this resonate with me. Back when I was sent to the Guidance Counselor in high school, it was a time when every girl was naturally expected to leave school and become a secretary. Girls were almost automatically shifted into courses on typing and cooking, while boys went into woodwork. I mean it wasn't mandatory, there were some students, of either gender, who bucked the trend. But it was expected and those who didn't fall into line were kind of thought odd. laugh

I was determined I wasn't going to work in a stuffy office - no way - and avoided typing class like the plague. When I went for my GC interview and told him I wanted to work in a career that was a/ outdoors and/or b/ involved animals he was completely stymied! Honestly, that was as specific as I made it. You'd think he could have suggested something, wouldn't you? But nope. Completely clueless. Had zero suggestions to make and was obviously completely thrown. grumble

I'm glad that things have improved for female students since then!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers