So I was rather late to the HP craze. I read the first 5 vols while I was overseas some years ago and just read the Half Blood Prince yesterday (oh my goodness the middle was a snooze!) and Deathly Hallows today. I liked the last book the most.

Like everyone it is the backstory of Snape that tugged at my heartstrings and made me misty-eyed. Other than that I just wasn't that invested in the characters, they just didn't seem that interesting to me (but that was from book 1 and my own tastes play a part--this is not the type of fiction I'm into). I'm not really that invested to 'ship really.

Part of me kept hoping that the book would undo this Slytherin as bad guys thing and show all of them (or most) standing up against Voldie, but that was not to be (I had such high hopes for Draco and then he turns out to be such a drip). In the end I feel that that was a little developed part so the bit about people sitting together and the epilogue (the whole its not bad to be a Slytherin) seemed kinda lame, it's like a conclusion with not enough evidence. But I did like the action, very good and hard hitting. I think it should make a really great movie.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan