I liked it. Lots of action. I thought the whole wand thing at the end went on a bit too long. Fred's death was the one that got me the most, for some reason. I'm glad Neville got to kill Nagini, I thought he was totally kicking butt. Ron was a prat for going off like that, but at least he came back. I loved that even though most of the book wasn't in Hogwarts, the final scenes were; very fitting. I agree with Hasini that this was not a kid's book; there were some pretty deep themes and real consequences. Ron, despite the aforementioned prat-ness, was more grown-up. And Harry really was. You could tell when people were interacting with him that he wasn't viewed as a boy anymore, he was a man, someone to be reckoned with. And D. says it at the end - "brave man". I liked the epilogue, but I wish she had mentioned his occupation.

And now I'm way past my bedtime - good night!

lisa in the sky with diamonds