

Here we are and... I'm speechless. Not that I'm not going to make a long speech right here, right now, as I certainly am! But I was AFK a good bit of yesterday, so when I saw the feedback number last night, my eyes did that bug out thing, dropped out of my head, rolled onto the floor...

Just... wow. Really. Big, fat WOW!! And thank you! For your continued interest, for your really smart, really insightful comments, for the kind words, the questions you raised. And for the button, Jen!! Woo-hoo!

(I will print that right up and hang it over my computer with great pride.)

Ok. Onto business.
And I don't know how they're supposed to get back, unless they go for donuts and run into Madge...
Put this under Things I Wish I'd Thought Of! When I first started sending this to Lab, I assured her I could fit the whole fic into 4 parts. Maybe 6 if I got wordy. But most definitely less than 10. And see? If I had just gone along with Pam's idea, I could have!!

Also, somewhat off topic, you will find the author of Masques has very little sympathy for writers who whine their WIP is growing longer than expected. Go figure.

Other Things I Wish I'd Thought Of:
The really lovely part is that these people who know L&C's story so well are actually seeing the real revelation in front of them--and don't know it. Wow! With his love of irony, Tempus would be ecstatic.
That's so smart, I'm just going to pretend I knew exactly what I was doing there. Yeah, that's it. I made that choice deliberately! Aren't I something? I should have a button...

Next category: Where I Dropped the Ball

With the technology Clark observed at the Superman Museum, this seems way too unsanitary and archaic for the locker rooms behind the scenes.
I love this! Because this is the sort of future- detail that just slipped past me. And I want you to know, I spent a good bit of time this morning contemplating how soap could be improved in the 23rd century.

Also, later on you'll see Lois observe how certain objects haven't really changed all that much. That was this writer's attempt to cover up any things I may have simply missed.

And, speaking of missing:
I can't believe that Lois got a chance to see all those 'different' Lois versions without making some snide comments about some of them.
That is dead-on, Tank. I will edit accordingly, because that's too good not to use.

Now. The Biggie. The details in the Superman Museum. How in some ways they are so accurate, and in some ways they aren't, the creepy aspects. All really, really good stuff.

Yvonne answered one part for me. The interpretations of certain people and events would be skewed by the POV of whoever provided the information.

I'm operating with an internal logic here. One that is never spoken to directly, but that works as a compass to keep me from spinning in circles. I'm debating just spilling it, telling you how I think it all fits together, but I really love the speculation and don't want to stifle that.

And I agree, the cult of celebrity has a really unsettling quality to it. Graceland as a kind of shrine, holding candlelight vigils on the anniversaries of Elvis's death. Ebay, where you can bid on a piece of chewed gum from the celebrity mouth of Justin Timberlake.

Then add to that the worthiness of respect and admiration of Lois Lane and Clark Kent, plus a couple of hundred years, and you get a mix of reverential and way over-blown.

Also, I think that *when* Lois and Clark are exposed to the world for who they really are is a big factor in how accurate some of this information is. (That's a big, fat hint as to the whole internal logic thing.)

I can't thank you all *enough* for this great, great response. I'm so appreciative, you have no idea. I know the numbers won't stay this high, but this is such a kick.

Part five is coming up later today. I'm off to tweak, fret, second guess myself. You know, the usual drill!

Have I mentioned I love you guys? Maybe it's too soon, but I want you to know... this isn't just a fling for me. sloppy


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
