Oh boy... here we go! <g>

She rolled her eyes at the small ‘Take Only One. A Sharing Community is a Well Fed Community.’ sign some weirdo had placed on the buffet.

That wasn’t really working for him, was it?
LOL! Awww.

Way too many Jimmys, but then she had always found just the one to be too much.
Trying to curry favor with Tank, eh? <G>

But the real one, the one she had come here with, was easy to distinguish. For one thing, he was smiling at her from where he leaned against the wall on the far side of the room. And secondly, his Suit just seemed to... fit him.
Awww!! I'm glad. smile

“Wardrobe wasn’t ready for us this morning,” offered the guy she couldn’t place, fumbling with his glasses.

Fumbling with... hey!
Uh oh... And I betcha Clark figured out the problem right away... his secrecy from Lois is doomed. Though... that's not really a *bad* thing... is it? I mean, they're stuck here together, wouldn’t it be easier that way? OTOH... At the point they'd left their world... she'd only known Clark a week...

Nearly as many Clarks as Loises. Why would that be necessary?
Uh oh...

The thought warmed her. And she smiled at him, she couldn’t help it. As bizarre as this was, at least she had an ally. Someone she could brainstorm with. Someone she could trust.
Awwww!!!! This para was so sweet and endearing and hope-for-the-future inspiring... yup, right up until that last word. The word you might as well just replace with "doom." Yup... I can see it coming. Clark's in trouble.

She grinned. She could hear how hard it was for him to say that casually.

“So, I get why my life story is here. Why *I’m* here.” He gestured to the other caped heroes milling around. “But why you, Lois? Why all of this at the Daily Planet? Have you thought about it?”
OOOH!!! I know! I know!!! Can I tell them?? whinging

Or not. Within seconds a Clark Kent stuck his head from one of the doorways. “Welcome to Happily Ever After,” he said with a broad grin.
Ohgodohgodohgod!! I *just* got my heart rate back to normal!! OMG. Poor Lois!!!!! This is going to hurt. Bad.

“Coming along,” she said with what was meant to be breezy confidence. It just came out winded instead. Probably from the climb, though. Nothing more to it than that.
Yeah, sure... I'm breathless just from reading, Lois.

And she didn’t want to linger in the hallway any longer either, not under the stare of a Clark Kent. Not when he was wearing a tuxedo, one rose in his lapel almost as if he was dressed for...
/me takes in a deep breath

Silly not to go in, then, really. Foolish. Unprofessional.

“So, why not?” she said aloud.
ACK!!!!!!!! Bad CC!!!! Bad girl!! Leaving off there! dizzy

/me tries to catch her breath...

Wow... just wow. I think that's about all I can say. I'm really blown away by... everything, CC. And I'll need more soon. wink

Sara (who didn't mean to quote so many lines... really... )

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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Avatar by Carrie Rene smile