Okay, worth the wait <g>

This continues to be mostly hysterical -- I *adore* all the comments from the crowds. Comments straight off message boards and mailing lists. Just too funny.

I'm looking forward to Lois's mind taking a hike after a look through the HEA wing. And then I'm looking forward to her meeting Clark in the attic goofy And I don't know how they're supposed to get back, unless they go for donuts and run into Madge...


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K