CC, I still sit here in amazed wonder after reading this next part. This is just unbelievably good! goofy

I've loved reading all those comments, too, because there are points being brought up that I hadn't even thought of. Like Sheila's point about the bannister at the Season 1 DP. In my head I can't picture all the changes between the S1 and S2 (go ahead, slap me...) - maybe the bannister was an item that wasn't too badly damaged by the explosion and ensuing fire (ok, ok, I know I'm reaching...)

And this comment of Sheila's...
The really lovely part is that these people who know L&C's story so well are actually seeing the real revelation in front of them--and don't know it.
I *loved* the way this revelation came right out in public like that.

But now I've been thinking, and what would be the "real" revelation now? We know the one that just happened in this part, but this is obviously not the revelation that the people of Utopia know. Based on comments that have been made by the Utopian public, and the presence of Scardino (which was just freakin' brilliant, by the way), it appears that the Utopian version of L&C follows along the lines of show canon.

Yet now Lois knows, almost right from the start. So what happens now, and what happens when things are put right again? Will it be a H.G. Wells maneuver a la Tempus Fugitive, where they don't remember any of this happening? Because if they're returned to their own time, yet Lois knows, that will change the entire course of their relationship. Maybe it will even bring about a different Utopia - which could potentially solve the Tempus problem, because maybe he'll never be born...

OK, I'm thinking too much about this. My head hurts. I'm just dying to know more, CC. Thank goodness that tomorrow is Thursday. dance

Kathy (along with Liz, a proud member of the CC fan club - do we get a button?)

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5