Freshmen are generally 18. The legal age for drinking is 21 in the US; is it the same in Canada? It's against the law here to serve alcohol to minors, so fraternities do get into trouble for those sorts of things. I'm not sure how strict the law is in Canada.
It's 18 here. I can’t remember Saskatchewan. There it may be 21, but maybe that is just for . . . certain ‘places’. During spring break we get a lot of kids from North Dakota and Minnesota b/c of the age limit - ugh. Kids here don't go to the bar during that time. It's the same generally for serving to minors.

I only went to the bars for a month when I was 20/21 (and once when I was 18) b/c I starting working at a place and that's what they did. I never drank - I dislike the taste. I'll have the odd screwdriver or banana margarita, but I can still count how many drinks I've had on my two hands and I'm 28 goofy I enjoy soft drinks and chocolate milk.

I have always known about these types of groups, but never really went out to search one b/c of the elitist negative image. I thought it would be fun, but since I was never really great socially and very shy - I figured what would be the point. dizzy I finally found a frat house a few years ago while I was out on a walk.

I think they are great if done right, but I know they are all not into partying yada yada, but it would have been cool to be apart of something while I was at University for seven years. Then again there are so many organizations you can be apart of, but the whole living situation looks neat (I lived at home while going to Uni.
)and being just apart of something that can do something positive is great. Hey, having connections is great too.

At the UofM here, oddly enough it is the Engineering faculty is the worse for anything alcoholic or doing dumb stuff. My mum worked in that dept for a while and she thought it was hilarious and annoying what they would do the first few weeks of the school year. You had to walk around with umbrella’s. . . one year they took apart a generator that was on display and the put it back together in the Dean's office. Another time they managed to get some 'head guy's' car on the roof of the engineering building. When alcohol is involved they get more inventive. (I didn't go to that Uni.)

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.