You know...if Clark hadn't stood there for 2 seconds before following, he might have caught up Too bad he can't fly yet... Would have loved if he could (Clark's faster when he flies, right?). That would have made Bart the one to stop and stare
My understanding of comics canon is that when going full speed, The Flash is indeed faster than even Superman. They showed that last night, when Bart was 'playing' with Clark at the end by slowing down by going backwards, then taking off again even faster than before. The shocked expression on Clark's face made it clear to me that he knew there was no way he could catch him. Not sure about flying -- it makes sense that he'd be faster flying than running -- but I'm pretty sure that The Flash is still faster, even then.

Lynn, about whether Lana and Jason are doing the wild thing ... I was wondering the same thing during that bedroom scene. They are definitely leaving it unclear, but having that bed there so prominently was a big hint. Yet at the same time, they've been in Smallville together for weeks and he hasn't noticed her tattoo before, so that makes me think they haven't yet. My feeling is that they are not, if only because it would be bad enough for his career to get caught kissing a student, but if he got caught sleeping with one, he'd be toast. On the other hand, I think we can assume that all the main players (Clark, Lana, Chloe) are either 18 now or close to it, so that does help with the legal issues.
