All right, I just watched ... and ... well ... hmm ...

OK, I'll admit it -- for 45 of these 60 minutes, I was bored stiff. I do give them credit for giving us a different type of FOTW but I was still very uninterested through most of it.

Things I did like:

1) Lana and Jason -- really liked her telling him about the tattoo and taking him to the caves. I'm very curious where they are going to go with this continuing storyline. Every episode, I like Jason more and more. This guy gets the best dialogue and he does a fabulous job of delivering his lines. He better not to turn out to be another Adam.

2) The "maybe we could form a club ... or a league" line got the biggest (ok, the only) laugh out of my husband and I. I'm still chuckling over that one. Usually I just kind of give a sardonic "ha ha ha" when they drop in those cute little super-hero lines (like Clark saying "sometimes I feel like two different people!") but this one was unexpected and therefore fun.

3) ActionHero!Lex -- oh baby, you can practice those martial arts in front of me any time! And he's back in purple and black ... looking fine in your traditional duds, Lex. "I tried to go all cowboy but I got handed my spurs" was an awesome line, and the grin on his face when he delivered it had me swooning. Be still my heart! I grin every time I think of it. smile

4) The Clex ... HoYah! Clark was being properly distant during their early scenes together, but he coudn't fight the concern in his voice when Lex got knocked out. And those baby blues were twinkling big time when Lex delivered his cowboy line! Yet they are both posturing when it comes to the 'lies that best friends wouldn't keep' and have both clearly dropped to the same level now -- the way they are circling each other, under the guise of working together, is showing us very clearly what is to come between them.

5) OK, one minor nod I will give to the A-plot -- it's kind of nice to see Clark starting to use his powers more casually. The fact that he'd rather run than drive reminded me a bit of our Alt Clark before and after meeting Lois. He's finally starting to get comfortable with who he is, and realizing that it's OK to think of his powers as a gift rather than a curse.

So all in all, not my kind of episode, but I was able to find a few crumbs so it wasn't a complete waste of an hour.

Now, about that preview ... I'm not spoiler-free so I know what's going to happen (well, the basic plotline, I mean). Not sure I'm going to like what's going to happen, but I'm holding out hope that it could be fun. It could also be scary as hell (and I have a feeling it will be, if the tone of the promo is any indication) and have major long-term repercusions. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.
