Well, Kathy, this might actually be a first. I kind of disagree with you a little bit on this one. I actually really enjoyed it. At least, I enjoyed it the way that I enjoyed last week's episode - in a light, fun relatively angst-free way. My highlights/lowlights

1. Yay, more Lex. So nice to see him back to his dark self, kicking some butt and taking names. And I so much agree with Kathy, who said it perfectly here:
Yet they are both posturing when it comes to the 'lies that best friends wouldn't keep' and have both clearly dropped to the same level now -- the way they are circling each other, under the guise of working together, is showing us very clearly what is to come between them.
I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's exactly what they were doing - circling each other. On the surface they are claiming forgiveness and friendship, but underneath both of these guys are just broiling pools of mistrust. And to be honest, I prefer it this way as opposed to out-and-out hostility. I know that this level of animosity is soon to come, but I kind of like the uncertainty between these two.

2. Yep, I did like Lana and Jason. I love that Lana actually told Jason what had happened to her - all of it, not just some wishy washy lie. For once it is so cool that a character acts the way a real person might act. That whole "OMG, you won't believe what happened to me!" reaction paired with her desire to have him help her shows me that TPTB really are determined to have Lana grow up. Love Jason. Every little bit of him. And I'm glad that Lana loves him, too - isn't mooning all over Clark.

But...I'm going to ask this because it's been niggling at me since the first episode. Do you think Lana and Jason are doing the nasty? I ask this because she seems so much more mature, and their love scenes are pretty intense. Last night, they were kissing pretty heavily in Jason's bedroom...all got me to thinking that maybe Lana isn't so innocent anymore. Now, I don't mind this little turn of events at all. Rather, I applaud their efforts to keep Lana moving forward rather than stuck forever in the pink zone.

3. I was ready to smack Martha for blowing off Jonathan so much. And can I take a little sidebar to say - Damn! John Schneider is one fine looking man! He's aging so very, very nicely. Yum. Anyway, I was glad she woke up and smelled the coffee, so to speak, even if it did require Psychologist!Lana to help her along.

4. The Flash/Bart - I was prepared to really dislike this guy. Figured he'd be some kind of annoying brat trying to out-superpower Clark. But I really did end up smiling a lot when he and Clark were interacting. I loved that Clark finally found someone with whom he could actually let loose and have fun with his powers. That whole scene with Chloe was wonderful. In fact, I think Bart is so cute, maybe he could pick up the pieces of Chloe's mauled heart? Except I think he might be too young.

5. Which brings me to Clark. My favorite line - when he told the fence's thug "You don't want to be here!" in that Kal-El voice. This whole season so far (all 4 epis) have done so much to show us how Clark is growing comfortable with his abilities, gaining control of them and learning how to harness them. He's got this amazing confidence that I just love. Course, perhaps this is because he borders on Growly!Clark, which I'm always begging for more of.

What surprised me was that I didn't miss Lois as much as I was afraid I would. When she left last week, even though I know she'll be back, I was worried that the show would lose that spark she brought to it. But I still enjoyed it very much. And now I have something to look forward to when she comes back.

As for next week's episode, I am really, really nervous about it. I, too, am spoiled enough to know what all of those preview clips mean. I'm so scared that all of the progress Clark has made is going to be destroyed. I have a feeling I'll be watching it from behind my fingers, cringing much of the time. Only saving grace - looks to be quita a lot of Naked!Tom, so it's a good thing. wink


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah