I have to make this short because I don't have much time.

But I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this episode. For a little while, I thought it was going to be kind of a between-powerhouses Freak Of the Week filler, but it ended up packing a whole lot of punches.

The very good - no Lana/Clark interaction. And kudos to TPTB because they actually used Lana in a good way. She was on the show, with her own story line that didn't revolve around Clark. Sorry - I just can't imagine any kind of Lex/Lana hookup. They did do quite an anvil-ly job of hinting at deeper feelings, but something about the idea seems almost...incestuous? I don't know. Can't quite put my finger on it. However, now that I think about it, having Lex pair up with Lana, especially when Lex knows how Clark feels about Lana, really opens up the gate for a whole bunch of animosity between the two of them. Maybe she's the final wedge that rips open the rift between them. Another issue I have with this is canon...Lana was Clark's first girl. Yes, I know. Smallville left canon behind about ten exits back.

Pete - SPOILER HERE so don't read if you don't want to know. But I think it's a lock that Pete's leaving the show. This week was all about setting up that scenario. I mean, did I miss the moments in other episodes where it was even hinted that Pete's parents were experiencing marital problems? Kind of flew out of nowhere. Hate to say it but can you spell p-l-o-t c-o-n-t-r-i-v-a-n-c-e. Thing is, Pete's leaving opens up the door for another of Clark's friends to discover his secret. Because I think having a friend know - and be able to help him in keeping the secret - was a pretty big deal back in Season 2. Now either Lana or Chloe can find out and take Pete's place as co-conspirator. I'm guessing...

Loved loved loved Jonathan's "world's greatest hero or most mild-mannered citizen" line. It was integrated and delivered so smoothly into the flow of conversation that it didn't seem the least bit corny, which it could have.

And gasp - I actually did kinda like Jonathan this week. He seemed...dare I say...normal. Not preachy or self-righteous. I loved the quiet confusion he expressed over his ability to heal Clark. He didn't understand it but it didn't shock him at all.

OK, I have no idea how old John Glover is, but man. He's got a pretty nice, buff physique for what I imagine to be an "older" person (in that, I mean older than me <g>), or at least someone old enough to be Lex's father.

I don't know if Lionel knows exactly who Clark is. It's obvious he knows that Clark isn't normal - probably not even from Earth. But I didn't get that he knows much more specifically than that.

Didn't much like the whole "is it Lex or Lionel?" anvil they threw at us when both men grabbed the knife at exactly the same moment and it disintegrated. I mean, I think as an audience we are all pretty savvy enough with the Lex as Superman's archnemesis premise that we all know it's Lex, so why bother hinting that it may be Lionel? I know. I know. Because just because we know, doesn't mean Clark knows. And we need to keep Clark guessing for at least another season or two.

I do love that the seeds are firmly planted in Clark's brain, however. That he now can no longer deny that Lex may end up being his enemy. It makes for a very interesting set up for Season 4.

And holy cow! What a great ending. When Lex delivered that last little twist, I was blinking in shock. Because it is actually so true. Without someone to fight, something evil to battle, could it be that Clark would be tempted to use his powers for his own gain rather than for the benefit of all people? Even Jonathan seemed to hint that there was a chance that Clark could take the conquerer route.

OK, so this wasn't short. And honestly, I could go on some more, but I won't.

Excellent episode. And I'm anxious to see the next two. That's all that's left, right? Then the long, horrible summer. I've never had to live through that before - became a Smallville fan just before Season 3 started.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah