I think you have every point covered here, Chaa. Do you take notes during the show??? Cause I almost did <guilty grin>

There were just too many cool lines there, but I was recovering from watching Last Samurai so I had to meld into Smallville slowly(going from rock on HOT MOVIE to pleasantly warm TV Show)

I think the whole Native American background on this story is really interesting, and the idea that Kryptonians may have been here already was kinda Xfiles cool.

Any way I'm definately looking forward to next week, it's about time he started flying. They've been hinting at that in small spurts lately so I'm anxious to see him airborne.

As far as Tom Welling as Superman, I can't see it because of physical reasons. Dean Cain spoiled me with that broad chest and wide shoulders. I always used to feel Chris Reeve was a little on the narrow side.

Is it just me or have you guys ever noticed the Lex/Clark mushiness that is constantly hinted at on this show as well? this may have already been brought up, but I've only posted on this topic recently, so I may have missed it.