I yelled out at more than one scene in this one!

First, Lana and Lex... didn't I tell ya? Did you notice how she paused in that scene walking away from him? See, see. That would certainly be an interesting hook-up!

Now, I'll cover the dull stuff first...

Chloe and Pete... will Pete leave the show? Not so sure. During his exchange with Chloe, he said he thought his mother's job offer was an excuse for *her* to leave. Never made mention that he was going with her. And the fathers on this show tend to care for the children. I did like that Chloe helped him in the end. At first I thought he was upset about his confession of a couple shows back because she hadn't given him the time of day. I'm still not sure about that relationship.

It's been hinted to many times that the Kryptonians had already been to Earth before. The whole 60's ep yelled that fact. Not to mention the drawings in the caves. How would they have gotten there otherwise? The only thing I have a problem with is if they've been there before, and have 'set the stage' for Kal-El, are they still alive? Does Krypton still exist? Everything almost seems to point to the Kryptonians wanting Clark to take over. Although the Indians are convinced that Clark is their savior. (hint at his future destiny?)

What was up with Bo Kent? Healing Clark? Messenger for Jor-El? What is all that about? What does Jor have planned for his boy?

Lionel knows who Clark is. Nothing new. We've known, or thought that, for a while. He's just trying to prove it now. And when it was said that if the wrong person touched the sword it would turn to ashes, I immediately yelled 'don't let Lex touch it!' The whole 'friend becomes the enemy thing' immediately made me think of Lex. Poor Clark. He's not ready to admit it might be Lex. Wonder what he thought with that final spew at the end of the show. I'm telling you. Lex knows! He remembers what he found out about Clark. I hate to see him pass over to the dark side though. I love this Lex!

So, is flying right around the corner? Will we see more of Lex's dark side? Where's LOIS?! And I seriously want to see some Lex and Lana smooching-- just so I'll know I was right. evil

Anyway, onward we go!

SQD (and yeah, Teeej, that relationship has been mentioned many, many times)