Coming very belatedly to this thread...

My nick is all IRC's fault. I ventured onto IRC one night and needed a nick. Lacking imagination, I thought I'd go with my (part of) my first name and the initial of my surname: ChrisC.

It was taken.

So was Chrissie (which I thought would sound like Chris C).

Various permutations later, I ended up with Krissie.

Sometimes that is taken, too, so then I become Crissie. On one occasion, I think I even became Kryssy. Oh, and I've also once or twice been Krissie17, but I got put off that one when someone told me that:

1) he'd had absolutely no idea that I was the Chris Carr who'd written Learning Curves and

2) that he'd thought I was a teenaged girl, with a nick like that. (That's a bit of a joke, since I can barely remember seventeen!)

Since I'd been being pestered by people with the most alarming sounding names wanting to chat, and thinking the naive teenager image might have something to do with that, I no longer go with that particular nick at all.

Anyway, since I'd talked to a few people on IRC, when I first ventured onto the mbs, I thought I might as well stick with the nick.

There you go. Utterly boring, right?

Oh, and just to warn you: if any of you get to meet me face to face, I absolutely loathe being called Chrissie! But that's another story entirely.
