This is such a fun topic. I love hearing everyone's stories.

I've never been able to come up with creative names. I don't belong to any other fandoms or message boards, etc., but whenever I have had to register for something, I've always used some derivision of my full name Meredith Anne. I've always used both names interchangeably in real life. I tend to use Meredith for formal or professional things (I use it in my byline and my email address) and Annie for personal things (my AIM name is AnnieM0616, many of my friends call me Annie). When I found folcdom I wasn't sure which to use. I saw Meredith was actively posting a story at the time and I thought it might be confusing to have two Merediths, so I went with Annie. I like to tease her about it, but I'm actually really glad it turned out this way. I always feel closer to people who call me Annie for some reason, because it's my "personal name" I guess.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen