Well, I hadn't gotten around to telling my story before the boards crashed, so here goes for the first time. <g>

When I got interested in the online community, I was paranoid about giving my real name out -- unlike Kathy, my name doesn't bring up 3000 google hits and none of them as me. (At least, I think it was Kathy that said that...) So, I played around and fiddled with stuff, not liking any of it (did Chester, because it was a joke with my friends, but um...it's a boy's name and I'm...um...a girl. laugh ).

In high school I was really involved with the theatre group and I played Beth March in Little Women. (I died. It was fun.) My 'sisters' still called me Bethy sometimes for fun, so I decided to use it as my nick. Then, when I became less paranoid, everyone knew me as Bethy (plus my real name is a pain to type fast) so I just kept it. Even those who've met me still call me Bethy!


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.