Tracey is my first name, Lynn is my middle. Hmm, I'm so creative [g]
It's ok Tracey, I normally go with Breanna Kay for my nick...but I wanted something LC related for mine this time.

Am reposting cause was lost, so will be brief. Wanted something LC related, but not the actual name of a character... and I've always loved the town of Smallville (and Lois just looks so cute and relaxed in her 'country dress'). So I chose Smallville Girl. And I DID choose this before the show "Smallville" premiered. :p

Embarrassingly enough, I didn't actually think I'd posted that often yesterday. So I reckon Paul's been hacking into the forum and artificially raising my post counter. There ain't no way I made it to 30 yesterday all by myself. Coz that would mean I was addicted and I'd have to go seek help....
Bad Paul! I told you to hack it so that, no matter how many times she posts, it stays at 29! wink

The new boards have been open for just under 45 hours and Labby, you are alreay up to 47 posts. evil idea!
/me rushes off to the polls.

Meet me here!


Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.