Wow, two pages. eek

Okay... thanks James, Sheila, Roger, Chris, Kathy, Anna, Sara, CC, and Jude smile smile

Well, I think I've decided to go with Roger's suggestion, basically, and just have a reference to her playing with her glasses. The turn-around on the Superman mythos is just too good to skip.

Kathy, yeah, I figured people would probably start to wonder about Lyn's identity, but that's part of the fun, IMO. Like Yvonne said, it lets people feel clever <g>

Thanks for offering an opinion, Anna -- I enjoy this sort of back-and-forth with readers smile

lol, Sara -- glad to be of service. I confess, I'm not usually a fan of first-person or present-tense stories, but that's what seemed to fit. It's been fun; I can do different things with it. And obviously it leaves the reader guessing as to who the narrator is, which was the desired effect smile

CC hates me! I have arrived! goofy Well, this just makes us even, CC; when I read your "guess the author" story with the cat, I just about gave up on fanfic writing then and there. notworthy

As for more stuff like that lying around... actually... I think I've got something else to post today. smile

Thanks, JM, for paying such close attention! smile I've been reading books on writing lately, and they seemed to be big on cutting as many words as possible, so I was going for a minimalist style. I'd originally called him Superman first, then said how "Clark Kent" had an office at the Planet, but then it occurred to me that it'd be more elegant to combine the two. The "sneaking inside" line was a relic of the first two drafts, where I started with Lois sitting across the street and thinking, got her over to the Planet, and then ran out of things to say... but one of the *other* things the writing books had said was that it was the job of the author to just get two interesting characters in a room together, and eavesdrop on their conversation. That worked so much better.

More than you wanted to know, I'm sure! smile

Thanks to everyone who's commented; the reaction to this thing has amazed me.

Now, for all you people who demanded a sequel -- I maintain that this story stands perfectly well on its own and doesn't need anything further. What more could I do, anyway? Stories are no good without conflict, and it's all sweetness and light already, right? But my muse wasn't listening, and kept whispering ideas at me. So, keep an eye out for "My Date with Lyn," coming soon to a message board near you...


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K