The ones I can think of off the top of my head are:

Tempus is kind of obvious.

Mayson Drake - combination of Perry Mason and Paul Drake, Perry Mason's private detective. (Other Mason connections -Perry White shares same first name and even Della STREET shares a synonymic last name with Lois LANE)

Sweet Tart - the bond-girl style name for the female spy in The Dad Who Came in from the Cold.

Trevanian - the villainous boss of Sweet Tart is the pen name of the author who wrote several spy spoof novels - The Eiger Sanction, e.g.

Dr. Faraday and Dr. Leit from the Eyes Have It - Michael Faraday was a famous scientist (Faraday Effect) with 2 units of electricity named after him, the farad and the faraday. Leit, sounds like light.

Gene Newtrich - play on Newt Gingrich in the Red Kryptonite episode, Individual Responsibility.

Also, having recently seen An Affair to Remember - the good one, not the remake (although, ironically, it IS a remake of Love Affair made in the late 1930's) noticed there is a character named Lois Clark (Lois Clarke in Love Affair). I bet the writer of the episode mentioning the movie knew that. smile1
