I was just thinking of some of the humourous names guests had in L&C; for example:

- Bob Fences (a play on Bill Gates)
- The Press brothers (in Stop the Presses)
- Myrtle Beach
- Sore Throat (A play on "Deep Throat" who was probably the most famous informant in U.S. history)

It could even be argued that the regulars cast ("Cat") and semi-regulars ("Ralph") are not immune to having humourous names. (At least where I grew up, "to ralph" was slang for "to vomit". And the character Ralph is so obnoxious that he does tend to make one nauseous.)

There is also at least one humourous place name: Bessolo Boulevard. (As I'm sure most of you know, George Bessolo, AKA George Reeves, played Superman in the 1950s TV programme.)

Can you think of other names of people or places from the show that were either obviously intended to be humourous or are less obvious in-jokes?
