@EditorJax: i'm not sure the writers of Lois & Clark even knew what far-fetched means. lol.

what i didn't like about S3 and S4 was that Lois didn't seem to be as doggedly stubborn and... well, I just thought she became a lot more docile after her relationship with Clark started.

as for IASWAA being more like Teri's life instead of Lois's, i don't think so. the episode Operation Blackout confirms that while Lois always made straight-A's, she was also best friends with the the people who ruled the school.

but yeah, it really was ironic that in trying to make the fans happy, the show took a downturn. who knew? XD does anyone remember if Lois & Clark was ever top-rating or if it just kinda middled? Because I feel that S3 and S4 were experimental in a lot of ways, like they were trying to catch a wave to or back to the top?

as for my hair, I took a screen shot from the Pilot and had my stylist copy it. laugh yeah, it's a bit of work, but it does turn heads.

right, Aki? <3

Just got married (21st June 2010).