@Tank: yeah, time-line demarcation thing. sorry -- English isn't my first language. ^_^' But yeah, that's what i meant.

@Lynn: B & E -- breaking and entering. quoting Inspector Henderson.

@everyone else -- yeah, i think that after they got Lois & Clark together, the show just went south. and i think Clark got a little too smug in some episodes, like when Lois became Editor. at the end, Lois says she wants to be with clark where the action is and he says "Good" and I'm like, "Eh?" O_O

Deb Levine's idea woulda rocked. And a pregnancy written into the show. That woulda been awesome! Except that Teri WAS pregnant, and couldn't have handled 16-hour days.

And why make a haircut a milestone for when they got together? i don't get it. i'm sorry. frown

Ooh, and is it just me or did anyone notice that after The Cut, Lois looked almost like a totally different person?

She looked totally cute and young on S1 and S2 and then BAM! Twenty going on thirty. the transformation was so dramatic to me.

i'm sorry if i seem so very shallow, but i really felt that she changed too much.

Just got married (21st June 2010).