Originally posted by Saori Tanaka:
@Lynn: B & E -- breaking and entering. quoting Inspector Henderson.
Ah. Of course. That makes sense. Thanks.

And why make a haircut a milestone for when they got together? i don't get it. i'm sorry. frown
I think Teri needed to have her hair short for another role she was playing. The timing was just coincidence.

I, too, prefer the first two seasons; for two reasons:

1) The last two seasons became increasingly dark. I am decidedly uncomfortable with all of the occult themes in it.

2) Because of the change in the relationship, we got to see less of Clark in his Superman persona. He may have been in the Suit more, but he was acting like Clark when he was in private with Lois (as, indeed, he needed to, given their changed relationship.)

BTW, that makes me think about the season 3 pilot, and my pet peeve therewith. Am I the only one who finds jolting the clanging sound that occurs when Lois shoves a broom into Clark's chest? What was the sound person thinking -- that just because Superman is called the "Man of Steel," if something were to hit his body it would make the same sound as if it were to have hit steel? Aside from the fact that there was no precedent for that in the show, I think that Lois might have gotten a clue from such a sound the first time anything had hit Clark's body...It wouldn't have taken her two years to figure out Superman's alter ego. <shrug> Oh well, by now I really should have given up any hopes of logic where this show is concerned. Once again it is a case of fortifying my suspension of disbelief...
