Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:

Forgot to add that Superman was dead at least once in the 1960s (I think), and Batman has also been dead before.
Well, that must have been a small run-of-the-mill story, where Superman was dead one week and alive the next. Surely no one paid much attention to it. I was intensely involved in the world of Superman comics at the time when they killed and resurrected him in the nineties, and the whole thing just generated so much buzz. I remember that here in Sweden, where the Superman comics are barely on sale, people were interviewed in the streets about how they felt about the death of Superman. Like I said, this story arc went on for so long, definitely for months, and there really was quite a lot of publicity surrounding it. Surely the death and resurrection of Superman in the sixties happened so quickly that people barely noticed. It must have been the same thing with the earlier case of the death of Batman.

Originally posted by Carol Malo:

But Ann there are thousands of people who do these 'saviour' type physical activities. We've recently seen examples of selfless attempts to save others in the horrific eartquakes in Hati and Chile. So many other examples, present and past - especially where people risk their own lives to rescue strangers.
Oh, most certainly. But those people are unknown to the world. The thing about Superman is that he is well-known all over the world. The people who helped out in Haiti are real, but Superman is an "idea" and an extremely famous "take" on the concept that one man can be wonderfully powerful and use his powers for good, thereby changing the world.

Because Superman is so famous all over the world, he can be seen as a mythical character. Dr. Who, in my opinion, can't. And therefore it isn't so interesting if Dr. Who is more Christ-like that Superman. If you pick a random person from a random country in the world and ask this person about Dr. Who, chances are that the person doesn't know Dr. Who. But if you ask the same person about Superman and show him or her the 'S' shield, chances are that the person recognizes Superman as a flying man who uses his great strength to do mighty deeds of good.

But now I'm talking about the larger Superman mythos, not the LnC version. Surely Superman has never been so romantic and so interested in a relationship with a woman as he was in LnC.
